Monday 19 February 2007


When one first begins medicine you expect your opinion of the world to change. You know the things they teach you at school are now useless and that you wont be able to look at a person without checking for disease. However you would think the simple things would stay the same alas even my ABC's are no longer what I thought. Gone are the days of A is for apple B is for Boat replaced by complicated mneumonics that spring to mind everytime the first three letters of the alphabet are uttered.
Theres the ABC's of assessing the patient:
A - Airway
B - Breathing
C - Circulation
D - Disability
E - Exposure

Alongside the ABC's of psychiatry.
A - Appearance
B - Behaviour
C - Cognitive

S - Speech
M - Mood
I - Insight
T- Thought
H - Hallucinations

Who would have thought the abc's could get so complicated?

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