Thursday, 22 February 2007

The incompetence of surgeons and relatives

Today was a very mixed bag of experiences. Started off fine with some clinical skills practise as we have a set of 3 competencies on Monday. Its most entertaining as the plastic arms we have to practise on bleed like hell, hence why mine was sitting in a puddle after a simple cannulation. Nothing like an actual person but it gives you an idea what to expect, apart from that the arms dont lash out or complain like hell. I know you dont like needles but your sick and i need to draw some blood - deal with it.

Anywho was pottering out of the medical school bout 11am when i notice a voicemail on my phone, nothing unusual its normally my mum however this one was number witheld which always worries me somewhat. It was one of the admin ladies from the med school enquiring where I was a i should have been at feedback. ( we have to present a patient in depth to a consultant once a week usual friday) OH CRAP thinks I, i dont have a patient, im in my jeans, my buddy is AWOL and more importantly the board said 2pm on Friday when i was last on the ward at 6pm Tues. I have no obligation to go on the ward weds and shouldnt have been there till 2pm this afternoon. So quite when this appeared on the board is anyones guess. They also sent me a handy email 1min after the voicemail at 10.16am - useful really useful. Cue me marching to reception all guns blazing demanding some kind of explanation, all they offered was the Dr's extension so i could ring and grovel despite it being their fault. Typical lowest person on the ladder thusly its my fault. We rearranged feedback for tomorrow but itll be during his theatre and he'll be pissed for us missing today joy of joys. This was a vascular consultant DejaVu as it happened to a friend of mine last term, same guy same circumstances, one would think he'd learnt his lesson but alas no.

The day picked up as i headed to the surgical recieving unit. Managed to clerk 4 patients and take 6 lots of blood, not quite there with the cannulation yet but that ought come with practise. 2 of the patients were in a great deal of pain but more then willing to talk to me and let me stick them with needles. The fact of the matter is that I'm merely doing the leg work for the junior doctor at some point when you are admitted someone will ask you many ridiculous questions and stick you with sharp things. Im less stressed, have had more sleep and not quite as disillusioned. Which is why patient three really got to me or at least her relative did.

She had come in with a ?obstruction and was waiting to be clerked and have bloods done so i took up the oppurtunoity to do something productive. Got to the bed to be told i wasn't to attempt her bloods as her veins were like stone, fair enough Ill just do the history and examination. So i ask her about why shes come in, all the related questions about her waterworks and bowels, but her brother does most of the talking which is a touch odd in itself. During this it is hinted that the lady has a history of bladder Ca with a recent admission. thusly my next question is about her past medical history. I explain that i understand its complicated and difficult but could they give me a quick overview. Well this started the brother off 'Is this really necessary, cant you see she's ill, you can get this all from the notes etc'. Swiftly on thinks I to the basic questions on family history and smoking/alcohol status and those are the final nail in the coffin. 'look i cant see how this is relevent, i really dont think appropriate that you're doing this, does it matter how much she smoke'. Well yes it is important we dont ask questions for the hell of it, our time is limited and if the actual doctor was doing this they would ask the very same questions. So i explained this concept with my most apologetic smile on and pottered back to the office via another patient of mine. On my return to the office who did i find but the brother having a full on rant at the ward clerk on what he though to be appropriate in this situation. Which is when you start to think 'Yes im sorry your sister has cancer but plese deal with it for the ten mins while im trying to do my job'. He proceeded to have a go at 2 consultants and a nurse on the ward, relatives hould really learn to behave themselves if they want the patient to get the best care. We kind of resent them now for being rude ignorant and generalised pains in the butt.. Im losing my compassion already that can't be good.

8am ward round tomorrow then best find a patient to present.

1 comment:

Peter Willis said...

Hi, found this page via Google. My mother recently had a lengthy stay in hospital and it involved a fairly intensive physio schedule. During one session a younger physio who had not been handling her case took the session and actually 'jumped' on her causing serious injury to her stomach area and she now wants to make a compensation claim. She's since had to go back and forth to hospital to try to rectify the damage caused. Thing is, I am looking for advice on finding good clinical negligence solicitors in the UK. I don't want to go with just the first one I find, ideally I want some reviews.